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5, Including 3 Nigerian Nationals: Held For Different Online Cheats In Pune

A group from the Cyber Cell was examining a case wherein an occupant from Lohegaon has cheated to the tune of Rs 21 lakh under the appearance of interest in the creation of natural oil. 

The Cyber Crime Cell of Pune Police captured three Nigerian nationals, one individual from Ivory Coast, and their Indian accessory for supposedly being associated with various instances of online cheats. 

A group from the Cyber Cell was testing a case in which an inhabitant from Lohegaon has cheated to the tune of Rs 21 lakh under the guise of interest in the creation of natural oil. An FIR for the situation was enlisted on Sunday. The group allegedly got data that a lady associated with the wrongdoing was coming to Pune. She was captured and the group in this manner focused in on her associates who were situated in Kharghar in Mumbai, police said. 

The police group struck a loft in the zone and captured four additional individuals. Starting test focuses on the association of these five suspects in numerous instances of online misrepresentation. 

The blamed were recognized as Alex Ilechukwu Arinze (33), Okoko Okoro Nwamamah (38) and Kalu Ilechukwu (27) who are all from Nigeria. The charged additionally included Guede Francis (38) from Ivory Coast, and a 37-year-elderly person, who is an occupant of Juhu in Mumbai.